Monday, December 31, 2007

Well, it's Not!!

The last layout that I worked on was a real labor of love... being that I had to get over the nerdiness that is scrapbooking a bib and spoon, and remember that my son would either laugh at it in the future or love that I thought to do it. (I hear Beth's husband laughing at me already!!)

Anyway, I scraplifted the title (It's not easy being neat, when you're learning how to eat) from the ladies on the BabyCenter scrapbooking board (where I'm a big ole lurker) and have been dying to use it for almost a year. So I'm slowly chipping away at the ideas in my "scraplifts" folder on my desktop. Next dorky scraplift: using the velcro shoe straps to reveal hidden journaling on my "Baby Steps" layout! Wait and see!

Luck o' The Irish

In an attempt to catch up to Beth (:D), I've decided to post pretty much everything I have photos of.

One of my favorite scrappy projects is an altered shadow box frame. I've done a handful of them now, and even though they take a lot of time and energy, the end result is worth it.

The first is a three-paned shadow box that I purchased from my LSS, Memories Galore. I used some Saint Patty's Day papers, ribbons and other embellies that I had to scrap our family's trip to Ireland in 2006. The shadow box can either be hung vertically or horizontally (and the layouts are easy to change around to suit either direction) or it can sit on a desk or shelf. Happy Birthday, Mom!

The second was a donation to a co-workers church fundraiser which took place in November. I went with a Christmas theme so it could be used as a gift to showcase a family holiday photo.

The third was a gift to my grandmother, who is ALL about family!

The last was a gift to my neighbor, who just welcomed another little baby boy to their family.

Thanks for looking!

Lizzy's Journaling Jar

I think we all probably know at least one person that nobody ever listens to. The interrupter, the one that talks over everyone else because it's the only way they're heard. In my case, it's my sister Lizzy. She's a beautiful little girl with so much to say, but because she's the youngest in the family, no one listens. I notice it every time I'm around her, and it breaks my heart! She's going through a particularly rough patch right now because, aside from the encroachment of adolescence and expected maturity, there's a lot of stress and uncertainty at home. So I thought, what a better way to let her get the words out than to give her a journal jar for Christmas? Instead of the usual questions, I made sure everything would provoke positive thoughts... "What's your favorite thing about yourself?" and "What do your parents do to encourage you?" for example. I wasn't sure what she would think of the gift, but was happily surprised when she was excited. I bet Lizzy fills it up before I know it - and I can't wait to read every last word.

Love you, Lizzy!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Scrap Happy and Fancy Free!

Whoo hoo - another creative outlet! My partner in crime, Beth, totally inspired me to start a little blog, basically to keep you all updated on the Nyalko's and to share some of my scrapbooking creations.

Life in the Nyalko household is in full Holiday Swing. We are gearing up for Christmas morning, which is going to be extremely exciting this year now that Michael "gets" the whole Santa thing. He's asked for trucks, dirt and markers... and considering he's been such a good boy this year, I bet Santa is happy to oblige. There will undoubtedly be a trillion pictures of the big morning - so stay tuned.

On the scrapbooking side, I've been really lazy for about a month and a half now. Between work, the change in the daylight savings, Michael becoming more of a three year old every day, and not feeling real great - I've either not had the time, or not felt like doing anything when I did have it. But I'm back in the "mood" so hopefully I'll have lots to show for it soon.

Totally scrap related, my family decided to pull names this year for Christmas since there are so many of us and the majority of us are kinda pinching pennies... and I got Laura Peyton. YAY!!! This was a no-brainer; my girl is crafty and loves making stuff so I hooked her up with about ten billion little scrapbooking goodies! Check it out!

Hope you all have an awesome week!
