Monday, December 31, 2007

Well, it's Not!!

The last layout that I worked on was a real labor of love... being that I had to get over the nerdiness that is scrapbooking a bib and spoon, and remember that my son would either laugh at it in the future or love that I thought to do it. (I hear Beth's husband laughing at me already!!)

Anyway, I scraplifted the title (It's not easy being neat, when you're learning how to eat) from the ladies on the BabyCenter scrapbooking board (where I'm a big ole lurker) and have been dying to use it for almost a year. So I'm slowly chipping away at the ideas in my "scraplifts" folder on my desktop. Next dorky scraplift: using the velcro shoe straps to reveal hidden journaling on my "Baby Steps" layout! Wait and see!

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