Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Scrap Happy and Fancy Free!

Whoo hoo - another creative outlet! My partner in crime, Beth, totally inspired me to start a little blog, basically to keep you all updated on the Nyalko's and to share some of my scrapbooking creations.

Life in the Nyalko household is in full Holiday Swing. We are gearing up for Christmas morning, which is going to be extremely exciting this year now that Michael "gets" the whole Santa thing. He's asked for trucks, dirt and markers... and considering he's been such a good boy this year, I bet Santa is happy to oblige. There will undoubtedly be a trillion pictures of the big morning - so stay tuned.

On the scrapbooking side, I've been really lazy for about a month and a half now. Between work, the change in the daylight savings, Michael becoming more of a three year old every day, and not feeling real great - I've either not had the time, or not felt like doing anything when I did have it. But I'm back in the "mood" so hopefully I'll have lots to show for it soon.

Totally scrap related, my family decided to pull names this year for Christmas since there are so many of us and the majority of us are kinda pinching pennies... and I got Laura Peyton. YAY!!! This was a no-brainer; my girl is crafty and loves making stuff so I hooked her up with about ten billion little scrapbooking goodies! Check it out!

Hope you all have an awesome week!


1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Laura really did hit the jackpot!!! You are such a good sister. I love your page!!! Yey Bekah!