Monday, December 31, 2007

Lizzy's Journaling Jar

I think we all probably know at least one person that nobody ever listens to. The interrupter, the one that talks over everyone else because it's the only way they're heard. In my case, it's my sister Lizzy. She's a beautiful little girl with so much to say, but because she's the youngest in the family, no one listens. I notice it every time I'm around her, and it breaks my heart! She's going through a particularly rough patch right now because, aside from the encroachment of adolescence and expected maturity, there's a lot of stress and uncertainty at home. So I thought, what a better way to let her get the words out than to give her a journal jar for Christmas? Instead of the usual questions, I made sure everything would provoke positive thoughts... "What's your favorite thing about yourself?" and "What do your parents do to encourage you?" for example. I wasn't sure what she would think of the gift, but was happily surprised when she was excited. I bet Lizzy fills it up before I know it - and I can't wait to read every last word.

Love you, Lizzy!

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