Monday, January 28, 2008

My Celebrity Look-Alikes

Everyone tells me I look like Debra Messing. I like that! :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Getting good at that crawling thing!

Another day home - another layout! I'm rolling through my stash (although I admit, Michael's pediatrician is dangerously close to my LSS, so I may have stopped in for the scalloped paper and the felt border... maybe). While Michael was taking his nap, I sat down with my dvd's (more My So-Called Life) and scrapped away at the pictures of him crawling, pulling up, and then leaving just as quickly as he came. He used to do this hilarious army crawl before this particular stage of things, and these pictures were a total surprise... I forgot that I had them until I printed several folders of him as a baby and saw them.

Anyway - hope you all had a fantastic Hump Day and that the rest of your week is amazing!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Wow, this is an unusually productive day... I finished another 12x12 layout! I've been eyeballing these pictures for a while because the Jumperoo was Michael's absolute favorite toy -- he wanted to be in it all the time.

Don't tell the folks at Fisher Price, but I may have recreated the logo in Fireworks. Shhhhhhh!!

Gotta love the Jumperoo!

Totally had a "Beth" moment earlier with my Halloween layout. I got a little scared that my skeletons were going to suddenly appear in the house... Pirone Bat style.

Happy Halloween, 2005!

Let's see - where to begin! I'm home today because my little one has an upper respiratory for the second time in two months, and it's borderline pneumonia, so we're doing the nebulizer every four hours and taking lots of medicine. So since he's "so sick," and playing like he's never played before, I've had some time to scrapbook another 2-page 12x12 layout. I've finally hit Halloween of 2005, when my little buddy was a Droolasaurus, and my husband decided to start carving pumpkins. It was a fun night for us, and I'm happy to have it scrapped!


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Autumn 2005

I got a little free time last night and thought I'd use it to look through my "autumn" stash and see what I had to work with. I had LOTS of goodies, thanks to Beth, so I was excited to get started. I found this awesome burlap background on the web that was a great addition to what i already had.

Instead of just laying it out and thinking of what I'd do... I finished a two page 12x12 spread! I've been dying to scrap some of these pictures for some time because we had so much fun that autumn, getting Michael all cozied up and going on our adventures to the Ashland Berry Farm to find a pumpkin and out to Farmville to visit my brother and sister-in-law at Longwood U.

Thank you Beth for the awesome paper (great minds!!!) and for the ribbons. The brown and blue polka dotted ribbon was perfect for my layout, and your ideas on how to use my silk leaves were just right.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

12 Days of Christmas

I found this nifty Christmas layout the other day on the DIY network website, and thought that, since some of us are getting our pictures together from the holiday, it might be fun to share it. I hope I can find enough time to work something like this out for Michael's 1 year book, since I just worked myself up to the fall of 2005. I'd love some fall/winter/Christmas ideas, if you have them!

The 12 Days of Christmas

Also, just signed up for the Creating Keepsakes message board! I'm bekah80, just fyi. :)

Happy Day 2 of 2008!


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Another layout -- oh my!

Yep - I found another inspirational layout, this time on Shanna's Scrappy Sketches. I didn't copy it exactly, but it did spark a little imagination.

On Shanna's blog, the layout I found had the Christmas theme, with the circular ornament in the background. I needed to change a few things around to get the layout to match the orientation of my pictures.

My Layout

Can I just say that I think a girls "stuff to scrapbook with" necessities list needs to have an iPod at the very top of it? That having been said, I finished my layout in almost two hours and I got to use some rubons that Beth sent me, some transparencies that my mil gave me for Christmas, and some embellies that a coworker gave me. Hooray - my stash is a little smaller. :)

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to get into online scrap challenges. They're a fun way to go outside of your normal style and experiment with different layouts. So I decided to search the web for some challenges to get myself back on track with Michael's baby book. The big issue is finding a challenge that accomodates more than one picture (which kinda drives me nuts). I'm working on a 2 page 12x12 spread of my father and step mother's first visit to Virginia to visit Michael back in August of '05. I have a good dozen pictures that I've narrowed it down to, and I don't want to cut any more out... so I found this layout and I'm thinking I can tweak it to suit my needs here.

This is lifted from Scrap

Once Michael gets his nap, in about a half hour, I'm on this. The end result will hopefully follow tonight.