Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Halloween, 2005!

Let's see - where to begin! I'm home today because my little one has an upper respiratory for the second time in two months, and it's borderline pneumonia, so we're doing the nebulizer every four hours and taking lots of medicine. So since he's "so sick," and playing like he's never played before, I've had some time to scrapbook another 2-page 12x12 layout. I've finally hit Halloween of 2005, when my little buddy was a Droolasaurus, and my husband decided to start carving pumpkins. It was a fun night for us, and I'm happy to have it scrapped!


1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

No bats and dinosaurs running around your house, well that not fun!! I love your halloween LO. I still have that spider on my fridge. I turned it into a magnet.
Love ya!!