Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Getting good at that crawling thing!

Another day home - another layout! I'm rolling through my stash (although I admit, Michael's pediatrician is dangerously close to my LSS, so I may have stopped in for the scalloped paper and the felt border... maybe). While Michael was taking his nap, I sat down with my dvd's (more My So-Called Life) and scrapped away at the pictures of him crawling, pulling up, and then leaving just as quickly as he came. He used to do this hilarious army crawl before this particular stage of things, and these pictures were a total surprise... I forgot that I had them until I printed several folders of him as a baby and saw them.

Anyway - hope you all had a fantastic Hump Day and that the rest of your week is amazing!



Elizabeth said...

Love it, Love it, Love it! It so cute. I adore the letters!

Love ya!

I hope he feels better soon!!

Linda said...

my youngest dd did that army crawl, I always called it the "sniper crawl" cuz it reminded me of her sneaking up on things. LOL... Love the scrappy stuff.

Elizabeth said...

Good Morning sunshine!! I've tagged you!! Hehehe just check my blog for the details. :)